Five for the effort.Here are some tips.
You should probably playtest your game a little more. You fall through the floors a lot, because there are problems with shapeflag hittests. First, it looks like you used thickened lines for the ground. Use rectangles instead. Also, with true gravity, the farther you fall, the more pixels you skip per frame. increase the framerate to around 50, and use a gravity modifier. For example:
var grav: Number = *whatever you wnt your gravity constant to be*;
var gravity: Number = 0;
gravity += grav
to prevent him from falling through the floor, use something like this(alter for your instances):
while(_root.ground.hitTest(_x,_y,true )){
_y += grav;
gravity = 0;
If you alter this correctly to tailor your flash, it should prevent you from falling through your floor (if you use rectangles for the floor, because no matter the thickness of the line, its width is still only 1 pixel).