If any of you have played Qoosh, you may be able to tell that I treated it like I was making a small version of a real game instead of what you would usually see in flash.
So I've been kicking around the idea of actually doing the Qoosh 'sequel' as a full downloadable indie game. I really want to make it bigger and better, take it more in its own direction instead of leaning on portal so much (although the portal references are a part of what the game is, so they'll still be there. I <3 you Valve), and the best way to do that is to leave the flash format. I would be able to try and get it Greenlit on steam and I would have a windows version, and perhaps a mac version as well if sales warrant it. Of course the best way to actually get this off the ground is to have a kickstarter for it.
I've had a few people comment on it (here and on other sites) saying that they wish it was for their xbox, or they want to see it on steam, or they would pay money for it, or that it feels like a real game. But I wonder if enough people think that to warrant a full version to kickstart.
I'd probably shoot for somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 for a goal, of course that depends on what my price for art and music would be for a game that would be roughly 5 times as long with a bunch more stuff.
(TL,DR) Anyways, I'll get to the point. I want to know if you guys would be willing to pitch in to a 'Qoosh 2' kickstarter. What kinds of rewards would you want for contributing (beyond just getting the game)? Come on people! Let me know!
Also, if you haven't played it:
Hey man, I'd pitch in a little bit!
You'd definitely be doing some voice acting!