Play Thief's Escape! Now!
It was a lot of fun to make, and I hope you have fun playing it.
Now to the regrettable news. Sadly, I'll be taking a 4-6 month leave from developing flash games. Leaving for army basic training and AI (job training). I wont have any access to flash during basic, and I may have access to flash during AI. So its 4 or 6 months depending on whether I can bring my own computer to AI or not.
But when I get back, I will be making the most EPIC GAME EVER!!!
It will be a fighter RPG game, and it will be full of awesome. But, thats a long ways away. I have a lot of time to think about the game from here till now, so you can be sure it'll be good. Well, it is also a game by me, so that's just further reassurance.
Sorry to my fans for leaving temporarily, but I will be back!!!
Interesting... good luck in army training