Hi, I make games and stuff!

Age 35, Male

Flash Programmer

Johnson & Wales University

Denver, CO

Joined on 8/30/08

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except their game accually looks good

Nobody cares about your opinion haha

That is messed up. How else r u going to fight these guys?

Angry letters is all I can do :\

They've been working on it for some time. They're just slow.

Apparently, they started working on it in Spring of 2008 (thats when they got the idea, anyways).

Sue em'

Cant :(

That's too bad. That was a kickass game you made by the way. But a faceless corporation like konami probably does not know you exist.

Actually, konami has recently taken a dive into the flash market, so I wouldnt be suprised if they did know I exist.

I'm very surprised it's so similar. When you posted the link I never expected it to be a near exact double. I can imagine you're pissed but unfortunately there's really nothing you can do. Just be proud you came up with the idea first I suppose?

yeah, thats probably the best thing. Still, an email or something would have been nice? It is nice that they attempted to fix my mistakes and added a little more to the gameplay. It is a little too close to call it a coincidence though.

Holie shit son, you got raped, time to get yourself a lawer. I think as long as you can prove this concept wasn't made anywhere else you probably could get a lawyer for free.

Eh, they started the game at about the same I started just learning flash. Good thing for them, they are better at making games than I am.

Bah, that really sucks...
If you spread the word about your game then maybe people will just come and play yours for free instead paying a silly amount of money for their ripoff version.

I certainly won't be buying it. Bastards. The probability of it being a coincidence is virtually nil.

On another note, I have to thank you for posting that link. You have just allowed me to discover that there is a new Ace Attourney game. Thanks a bundle.

haha... glad I could help.

Yeah, I'm fairly confident they nicked your idea. It's a shame, I think your games had a few flaws but the concept behind them was really fantastic and overall they were great. I would definitely sent them an e-mail but I wouldn't imagine you'll get a reply. You never know you though :)

What console is it for? DS?

dude bummer,
but a game company stealing ideas?
not much new here.

But it's prettier :)

Games like these have been around much longer than visible stop copying them :(

I havent seen a game with this concept, besides the [Visible] games (and Reflection, of course). Anyways, I'm kind of flattered and they did improve upon it. Maybe I should start making my good idea games in a more permanent platform than flash. hmmm...

Seriously get a lawyer, don't take this laying down.

If you can prove that you were making it and came out with it before them, you have to at least make it public. I don't understand why you can't sue them like you say, but start trying to get a hold of gaming websites/magazines and let them know. If you can get a public backing Konami won't be able to ignore it.

I cant sue them because game ideas are free.

If I made a game that played like mario, with all of the same mechanics and gameplay ideas, nintendo couldnt do anything as long as I didnt use "Mario" of any of the other affiliated characters.

I do find it unlikely that its a coincidence, however, they did get the idea in september last year. But I have no doubt that it wasnt a complete concept, and they did get inspiration from my game.

Based on thier development information, this game has been in production since before I started learning flash. I guess this means coincidence. Oh well.

I dunno the first thing I thought was that stage in Rocket Knight Adventures...

Thats pretty neat though. I'd never heard of that game.

unfortunately thats how it works man companies like konami and others find the most promising uncopywrited flash games and steal their whole premise and market them as they're own without even acknowledging the original creator or giving them a share of the money the company got for their idea

Wow, that is a pretty bizarre coincidence. I really enjoyed your games.

For the sake of sanity you may just want to assume that they have no idea you exist. It isn't like you can put a copyright on that reflected areas idea. I'm inclined to suspect they aren't at all connected because I've been expecting a game like that to come out for the DS since day 1.

Still though, take pride in beating such a big company to the punch. Try looking at it from the "great minds think alike" standpoint, rather than the "those thieving bastards" standpoint. Even if you are wrong, you'll save yourself some heartache.

Incidentally... because of this post, I now know that I want to buy this game...

Konami after 2000, began their game theft, copy, produce cycle so I'm not TOO surprised. I sent them two letters in your support. When was visible first made? I myself would make a law suit against them. That or bring it to the attention of these guys: <a href="http://noobtoob.com/">http://noobtoob.com/</a> These people are huge in the gaming community with many viewers (including me) and if you tell them they might tell their viewers not to buy the game. anyways, best of luck and stay happy ^_^

You really should consider getting a lawyer and sueing. At least get this to the media so we can all flame konami.


Your game kidna of remembers me of
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0RfVuGnW-s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0RfVu GnW-s</a>

I fail at life

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